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IMC 2023: Sessions

Session 518: Urbanity and Networks in Italy, 12th-15th Centuries, I: Human Networks

Tuesday 4 July 2023, 09.00-10.30

Organiser:Solène Minier, Département des Sciences Sociales École Normale Supérieur de Lyon
Moderator/Chair:Catherine Rideau-Kikuchi, Dynamiques patrimoniales et culturelles (DYPAC), Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Université Paris-Saclay
Paper 518-aMaddalena Scrovegni and the Others: Female Upper-Class Networks and the Rise of Charitable Institutions in Early Renaissance Veneto
(Language: English)
Solène Minier, Département des Sciences Sociales École Normale Supérieur de Lyon
Index terms: Gender Studies, Lay Piety, Social History
Paper 518-bThe Dead and Political Networks in Late Medieval Italian Cities and Beyond
(Language: English)
Caitlin John, Department of History, University College London
Index terms: Anthropology, Archaeology - Sites, Daily Life, Social History
Paper 518-cUnion, Mutual Acquaintance, or Competition: Was There an Italian Network in 14th- and 15th-Century London?
(Language: English)
Baptiste Puget, Laboratoire interdisciplinaire des énergies de demain (LIED), Université Paris-Cité
Index terms: Economics - Trade, Economics - Urban, Politics and Diplomacy, Social History

Northern and Central Italy, cradle of the city communes, is central to the framing of a model of Mediterranean, or even medieval, urbanity and the efficiency of such a model relies upon the notion of networks. Indeed, the combination of both an early population growth and a dense entanglement of relationships made Italian cities stand out throughout the Middle Ages. This session aims at discussing how networks analysis or the mere notion of networks can be of help in the framing of Italian cities social and political structures. More specifically, it focuses on groups that are not central in urban society (women, the dead, and Italians abroad) and therefore are more revealing of networking logics.