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IMC 2019: Sessions

Session 1548: Transmitting Knowledge, I: Didactics and Canonisation

Thursday 4 July 2019, 09.00-10.30

Sponsor:Arbeitskreis mediävistischer NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen (AmN), Universität Rostock
Organiser:Nadine Ulrike Holzmeier, Historisches Institut, FernUniversität Hagen
Moderator/Chair:Felicitas Schmieder, Historisches Institut, FernUniversität Hagen
Paper 1548-aLearning to be Noble: Moral Education in High Medieval Europe
(Language: English)
Claudia Wittig, Centre for Medieval Literature, Syddansk Universitet, Odense
Index terms: Education, Language and Literature - Comparative, Literacy and Orality, Manuscripts and Palaeography
Paper 1548-bKnowledge Transfer and Identity-Building in High Medieval Monasteries
(Language: English)
Micol Long, Vakgroep Geschiedenis, Universiteit Gent
Index terms: Literacy and Orality, Monasticism, Religious Life, Social History
Paper 1548-cPaths into Periphery: Editions of Minnesongs and Processes of Canonisation
(Language: English)
Doreen Brandt, Seminar für Deutsche Philologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Index terms: Education, Language and Literature - German, Literacy and Orality, Manuscripts and Palaeography

This first of three sessions focusses on the question of how knowledge was created in specific social environments and how the circulation of knowledge defined, shaped, and separated social communities. We will take a closer look at different secular and ecclesiastical groups, for example social elites, such as aristocrats or knights, monastic communities, philosophical or intellectual circles. We are interested in processes of canonisation and different narrative concepts of poetry, as well as the interaction of teaching and learning with processes of identity building.