IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Church History & Canon Law
- Becoming the Bishop: Examinations of Episcopal Self-Fashioning, I - The Early Middle Ages (104)
- Becoming the Bishop: Examinations of Episcopal Self-Fashioning, II - The Central Middle Ages (204)
- Becoming the Bishop: Examinations of Episcopal Self-Fashioning, III - The Later Middle Ages (304)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, I: Contradictions, Grey Areas, and Ambiguity in the Construction of Religious 'Otherness' (1028)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, II: Between Gendering Spirituality and a Gendered Spirituality (1128)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, III: Intellectual and Textual Contexts (1228)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, IV: Fluid Beliefs and Dissent among the Laity (1328)
- Church and Society in the Medieval Diocese of Lincoln (704)
- Danes Transcending Borders in the Long 14th Century (135)
- Episcopus Book Club: Ian Forrest's Trustworthy Men: How Inequality and Faith Made the Medieval Church - A Round Table Discussion (941)
- Feeling Legality: Emotions in Medieval Canon and Common Law (1117)
- Jurisdiction, Legal Community, and Political Discourse, 900-1200, II: Borders of Jurisdiction in Towns - Regulation between Canon and Secular Law (635)
- Medieval Sacred Spaces, I: Theories (1229)
- Medieval Sacred Spaces, II: Disruptions (1329)
- Medieval Text Networks and Digital Analysis, I: Detecting and Visualising Intertextuality and Relationships between Texts (205)
- Medieval Text Networks and Digital Analysis, II: Digitally Describing and Analysing Related Texts (305)
- Patristic Authority in the Early Middle Ages, II: From Manipulation to Interpretation, c. 800-900 (607)
- Priests in a Post-Imperial World, c. 900-1050, I: Education and Regulation (126)
- Priests in a Post-Imperial World, c. 900-1050, II: Priests and Their Communities (226)
- Social and Literary Authority in Late Antiquity, II: Authority and Ecclesiastical Controversy (219)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, I: Transmitting Heretical Belief (1540)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, II: Constructing Heretical Belief in Inquisition Trial Records (1640)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, III: Constructing Heretical Belief in Sermons and Polemics (1740)
- The Bishops' Borders, I: Agents and Territories in Medieval Iberia (736)
- The Bishops' Borders, II: Agents and Codices in Medieval Iberia (836)
- The Medieval Papacy, c. 500-1500, I: The Periphery Sees the Centre - The Centre Sees the Periphery (528)
- The Medieval Papacy, c. 500-1500, II: The Struggle for Right Order in the World - Popes, Antipopes, Clergy, and Power (628)
- The Medieval Parish Church and Its Books (804)
- Thirty Years of Early Medieval Europe: Anniversary Session, I (207)
- Violating Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, I: The Rhetorics of Violation (504)
- Violating Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, II: How to Get Away with Murder in the Church? (604)
- Visions of Authority, I: Canon Law - On the Borders of Religious Discipline and Spiritual Authority (1143)
- Visions of Authority, II: Latin Sermons - Laying the Foundation for Long-Lasting Authority (1343)
- Visions of Authority, III: Looking for a Synthesis - Authoritative Traditions and Local Practices (1604)
- Writing and Rewriting Medieval History, IV: Ecclesiastical Histories (1308)