IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Science, Technology & Military History
- Arms, Armour, and the Arts of Combat, I: The Stuff of War (542)
- Arms, Armour, and the Arts of Combat, II: Identities and Images of the Armed and Armoured (642)
- Arms, Armour, and the Arts of Combat, III: Fight Books and Fighting in Single Combat (742)
- Arms, Armour, and the Arts of Combat, IV: The Tournament (842)
- Being Famous after a Battle: Heroes and Heroism in the Baltic Sea Region during the Middle Ages (338)
- Borders as Areas of Control (1527)
- Borders between Muslims and Christians (723)
- Borders of Violence: A Round Table Discussion (914)
- Border Warfare in the Middle Ages (1627)
- Boundaries of Governance, I: Borders and Authority in the Hundred Years War (1016)
- Bridging Borders, I: Natural Sciences and Humanities (1511)
- Byzantine Border Warfare (142)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, I - Politics and Warfare along the Mesopotamian Frontier (525)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, I (1521)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, II (1621)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, III (1721)
- Frontier Warfare in Late Medieval Iberia (1735)
- Intellectual and Political Borders of Time Reckoning in Early Medieval Europe (1330)
- Interactions across Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, II: Crossing and Defending Sea Borders (213)
- Loyalty in the Central Middle Ages, II: Loyalties in Conflict (805)
- Medieval Mounted Games: A Round Table Discussion (909)
- Military Borders of Castile: Granada and Portugal (1327)
- 'Ne'er was castle lovelier sited': Recent Research at Caerlaverock (1201)
- Political Authority in Late Antiquity, I: Imperial and Military Authority (1009)
- Producing and Sustaining War, from the Umayyads to the Staufen (1220)
- The Frontier in Medieval Iberia: Conflicts and Promotions (536)
- The Invasion of England by Louis of France in 1216: A Round Table Discussion (442)
- The Joust as Performance: Pas d'armes and Late Medieval Chivalry - A Round Table Discussion (405)
- The March of Wales, I (527)
- The People of 1381 (1341)
- The Plantagenet Dominions in the Early 14th Century (620)