IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Byzantine Studies
- Border-Crossing Stories between East and West (115)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy, I (1203)
- Byzantine Bodies, I: The Byzantine Body and Performativity (510)
- Byzantine Bodies, II: Figuration and Discipline of the Gendered Body (610)
- Byzantine Bodies, III: Orthodox and Unorthodox Bodies (710)
- Byzantine Bodies, IV: The Byzantine Body Politic and the Cartography of Power (810)
- Byzantine Borders, I: Islands, Cultural Exchange, and the Present as a Distorting Mirror (1013)
- Byzantine Borders, II: The Problem with Borders (1113)
- Byzantine Borders, III: Dissolving Frontiers (1213)
- Byzantine Borders, IV: Byzantium, Post-Colonialism, and the Making of Modern Borders (1313)
- Byzantine Border Warfare (142)
- Conflict and Peace in Border Zones (727)
- Crossing Borders: Correlations of Mobility and Identity in Medieval Societies (1530)
- Emperor and Patriarch: Questions of Authority in Byzantium (813)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, I - Politics and Warfare along the Mesopotamian Frontier (525)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, II - Exploring Political-Cultural Interaction through Identity and Exchange (625)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, III - Movement and Economic Interconnectivity along the Frontier (725)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, IV - Political Interactions in, and around, Armenia and the Caucasus Region (825)
- Epigraphies of Pious Travel: Pilgrims' Inscriptions, Movement, and Devotion between Byzantium and Rus' (1307)
- Fringe Expertise?: Occult Practices and Authority in Pre-Modern Eurasia, II - Narration and Representation (630)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, I: Elements and Concepts (1021)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, III: Cults and Cultures on the Edges? (1221)
- Interactions across Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, I: Byzantine / Christian Interactions with the Muslim World (113)
- Interactions across Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, II: Crossing and Defending Sea Borders (213)
- Interactions across Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, III: Migration and the Spatial Context of Urban Borders in Late Antiquity (313)
- Internal Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, I: Imperial Power and Politics in Late Antiquity (1513)
- Internal Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, II: Borders in Western Court Politics - Examined through Presence, Power, and Intellectualism (1613)
- Internal Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, III: Crossing Borders of Religion, Body, and Legality (1713)
- Liminal Spaces: Evolution of Borders and Boundaries in Late Byzantium (713)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, I (1034)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, II (1134)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, III (1234)
- Metaimages, I: Threshold Effects and Micro-Architectures (212)
- Metaimages, II: Beyond the Frame of the Enshrined Icon (312)
- Moving Byzantium, I: Layers, Institutions, and Terminologies of Mobility in the Medieval Roman Empire (513)
- Moving Byzantium, II: Beyond the Borders of Byzantium - New Rome and Its Near and Far East (613)
- Re-Evaluating the 11th Century with Structured Assertion Records (STAR) (1707)
- Rhetoric and Identity in Byzantium (1607)
- Salvaging Crete: Preserving the Legacy of the Artist Ioannis Pagomenos (1612)
- The Borders of Heaven and Earth (812)
- The Byzantine Virgin Mary beyond Byzantium in the 14th and 15th Centuries (801)
- The Caucasus: A Region of Borders?, I - The Caucasus as Political Borderland (1214)
- The Caucasus: A Region of Borders?, II - The Caucasus as a Zone of Cultural Interaction (1314)