IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Keynotes & Round Table Discussions
- Aesthetic Categories and the Boundaries of Art in the Middle Ages: A Round Table Discussion (912)
- Anarchising the Middle Ages: Anarchist Approaches to the Middle Ages (AAMA) General Assembly - A Round Table Discussion (408)
- Annual Early Medieval Europe Lecture: Seeing Others in Hell in the Early Middle Ages (Language: English) (401)
- Annual Medieval Academy of America Lecture: Médiévistes Sans Frontières - Shifting Medieval Boundaries at Multiple Scales (Language: English) (901)
- Approaching Medieval Sources: A Round Table Discussion (1402)
- Bordering Adulthood: Adolescence and Youth in Times of Change, IV - A Round Table Discussion (437)
- Borderlands, III: Dowers and Dowries - Holding Lands, Moving People, and Exchanging Resources across Borders, A Round Table Discussion (432)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy: A Round Table Discussion (1403)
- Borders of Violence: A Round Table Discussion (914)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, V - How to Keep the Momentum Going, A Round Table Discussion (916)
- Building Bridges and Growing Networks for Early Career Researchers in Medieval Studies: A Round Table Discussion (1042)
- Channelling Relations in Medieval England and France: A Round Table Discussion (927)
- Digitising Late Antique Letter Collections in the ERC CONNEC Project: A Round Table Discussion (1407)
- #DisMed 5: Disability and Accessibility in Higher Education - A Round Table Discussion (1142)
- Elite Legitimacy on the Borders of Latin Christendom: Poland and Norway, 1000-1300, IV - A Round Table Discussion (427)
- Episcopus Book Club: Ian Forrest's Trustworthy Men: How Inequality and Faith Made the Medieval Church - A Round Table Discussion (941)
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Academic Publishing (But Were Afraid to Ask): A Round Table Discussion (903)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, V: A Round Table Discussion - Reflections, Outlook, and Interaction with the IMC (1421)
- Gatekeeping the Middle Ages: Accessing, Controlling, and Disseminating the Medieval Past in a Modern World - A Round Table Discussion (414)
- Global Saints, Global Holiness: A Round Table Discussion (1342)
- Indecent Theologies, IV: A Round Table Discussion (439)
- Keynote Lecture 2022: Grenzräume - Medieval Maps and the Perception of Border Zones and Boundaries (Language: English) (1199)
- Keynote Lecture 2022: Frontier Monasticism (Language: English) (699)
- Keynote Lecture 2022: Open Space and Flexible Borders - Knowledge Transfers through Premodern Afro-Eurasian Maritime Connections (Language: English) (1699)
- Keynote Lecture 2022: Territorial and Social Borders in Medieval Scandinavia (Language: English) (199)
- Keynote Lectures 2022: Borders in a Borderless Empire? - Political, Ecological, and Cultural Borders in Mongol Eurasia (Language: English) / Right Time, Wrong Place? - Navigating the 'Territorial Trap' in the Study of Medieval Religion (Language: English) (1)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, IV - A Round Table Discussion (429)
- Loyalty in the Central Middle Ages, III: The Languages of Loyalty - A Round Table Discussion (905)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, II: A Round Table Discussion (931)
- Medieval Mounted Games: A Round Table Discussion (909)
- New Voices Lecture: Towards a Theory of Feminist Medievalisms (Language: English) (1401)
- Playing the Middle Ages, IV: Borders - A Round Table Discussion (433)
- Political Liturgies in the High Middle Ages: Beyond the Legacy of Ernst H. Kantorowicz - A Round Table Discussion (1438)
- Quo vadis Medieval Economic History?: A Round Table Discussion (1242)
- Rethinking Marian Maternity: A Round Table Discussion (1406)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier, III: Considering Frontiers - A Round Table Discussion (415)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, III: A Round Table Discussion (1736)
- The Pearl Poet and the New World: New Critical Work, Translations, and Mediums of Interpretation - A Round Table Discussion (902)
- The Invasion of England by Louis of France in 1216: A Round Table Discussion (442)
- The Joust as Performance: Pas d'armes and Late Medieval Chivalry - A Round Table Discussion (405)
- The Not-So-Secret Lives of Mystics: Lived Experience in Mystical Texts, IV - A Round Table Discussion (1439)
- The People of 1381: A Round Table Discussion (1441)
- Tolkien as a Gateway to Interdisciplinary Teaching: A Round Table Discussion (441)
- Writing for Non-Academic Audiences: A Round Table Discussion (1414)